Brody Nankervis - Golden Trail Athlete Profile

March 21, 2024

Brody Nankervis - Golden Trail Athlete Profile

Name: Brodie Nankervis
Age: 29

Brief Summary:

I've always been a runner of some kind but started racing on the trails properly in 2021. I've been a national representative in orienteering since 2012, so I've always enjoyed running in the outdoors and using it as a vehicle for exploration and fun! I am a Physiotherapist by trade, but I'm also a coach, a trail running tour guide and do some work in sports management, so keep myself busy with lots of little things!

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Favourite Distance/type of run?

My favourite trails are techy mountain trails, both uphills and downhills. The more technical the better! I am probably a better downhill runner than uphill runner but have come to love grinding out tough climbs and soaking in the views from the top. At the moment I have done mostly 20-30km races, but I think I'll be better at the longer stuff, I am working up to the 50-80km distance over the next few years.

Describe your running style:

I've been working on my race approach over the past couple of years and what seems to work for me is starting conservatively, building through the race and then coming home strong. Especially when there is a technical downhill to finish (which there often is), I have the confidence in my downhill ability that I can take some time out of even my toughest competitors.

Favourite Pre-Race Meal?

I try to keep it relatively simple on race day if it's a morning race, so just a couple of crumpets or sourdough with PB and J.

The night before I usually go for rice if I can, but anything carb heavy does the trick!

Any Pre-race rituals or warmups?

I always feel better doing some mobility exercises/activations as part of my warm up, but I don't always leave myself enough time! Apart from that nothing too special, except for making sure I get that last loo stop!


What is your next GTNS Race?

I'll be running Kunanyi Mountain Run. This is the race of the series I am most excited about. Although I've lived in Victoria for 10 years I still see myself as a Tasmanian, so I love racing on home soil and the trails are just as I like them, techy, techy and more techy!


Athlete Kit Suggestions for the next race? 

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  • Hydration packs- To be honest they are all good. Salomon have hit the money on their packs and its one of the products that I couldn't run without. I've recently been running with the SLAB Ultra 10 pack and I love it.
  • Shoes- I could write a blog about shoes haha! For the mountain run I'll probably be wearing the new  SLAB Pulsar 3. It's an awesome new iteration of the pulsar range, merging awesome features of the SG and standard pulsar 2's, whilst incorporating an outsole that is more reminiscent of some of the more technical shoes of the past. It is fast AND can handle sketchy terrain, perfect.
  • Shirt: No specific shirt for me, but I love the super lightweight material of all the shirts.
  • Nutrition for race: I usually go for a mix of nutrition sources. Gels from KODA Nutrition, hydration mix from Skratch Labs and then some Natural Confectionary snakes!

Top 3 running tips?

My top running tips for trail runners to get the most out of yourself are:

  1. Don't focus on km's, train to time. Running trails is so much more varied than on the road. If you are training on a variety of trails, including different elevations, then your strava might not look even each week. Don't get caught up in hitting a weekly "mileage" target.
  2. Prioritise your recovery. Training isn't only about running. Make sure you recover properly from your training and racing with good sleep, nutrition, hydration and yes, time off running. I know it sounds counterintuitive, but sometimes you can get better at running by not running.
  3. Enjoy the process. If you are only focused on the race and something doesn't go to plan then it can be extra tough. Focus on the journey to get to the race and find a way of training where you get excited to turn up for each session. Then your race will just be the cherry on top and you will enjoy it no matter what!